Aram Clinic: The leader in cosmetic surgery

Arm lift Tunisia

Arm lift or brachioplasty is a surgical procedure to tighten and improve the contour in the area of the upper arms. It is a purely cosmetic procedure performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. The reasons for an upper arm lift are unsightly excess skin that appears saggy and wrinkled and shows up in the area of the inner sides of the upper arms, especially when the arms are raised at a 90° angle. This blemish can be a psychological burden for patients and is caused by the following factors, among others :

Natural aging process with sagging of the skin
Congenital weakness of the connective tissue
Obesity (adiposity)
Severe weight loss.

So, this intervention improves the contours of the upper arms by :

Removing excess skin
Tightening underlying tissues
Achieving better definition and shape.

Moreover, this surgery allows the patient to regain self confidence and feel comfortable.

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Arm lift Tunisia : the price

The price arm lift Tunisia is affordable, ask for a free quote to get its cost.

Contact us by phone so as to have more details about this plastic intervention.

The best candidates for this surgery

Arm lift surgery can be performed on many types of patients. Both men and women of normal weight with more excess skin than fat are very good candidates for brachioplasty.
It is ideal for people who have lost large amounts of weight, but whose skin has not adapted to their new body shape. You might also consider an arm lift if :

You have lost the desired weight, but have been left with redundant excess skin underneath your arms.
You have significant skin laxity in your upper arms due to age.

You are a healthy person with no medical conditions that would prevent you from healing or increase the risks if you undergo this surgery./p>

You do not smoke.

You are committed to a healthy diet and lifestyle and have realistic expectations.

How to prepare for a brachioplasty ?

It is the surgeon who will determine if arm lift surgery is ideal for you. If you have certain health problems, the surgical risks may not be worth it. He will also ensure that you have realistic expectations for the outcome of brachioplasty. You will also need to commit to a healthy lifestyle to promote healthy healing afterwards.

You are also not an ideal candidate if you are not at a stable weight. If you lose a lot of weight after your plastic surgery procedure, new areas of sagging skin may appear. If you gain a lot of weight, you can significantly damage your weakened skin which can cause stretch marks and wide scars.

If you smoke, you will have to refrain from smoking at least a few weeks before undergoing your arm lift Tunisia. Smoking significantly increases the risks of complications and can delay the healing process. The plastic surgeon will ask you to stop taking any medications before undergoing the procedure. It is worth asking about over-the-counter medications such as aspirin. You should also avoid eating and drinking anything after midnight the night before the day of the intervention.

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How is it realized ?

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. If liposuction is to be done as well, it happens first. For a limited incision arm lift, it is made in the crease of the arm, near the armpit. For a full arm lift, the incision extends from the elbow area to the armpit. This is determined by the amount of excess skin you have.
A compression bandage is then applied.

Arm lift Tunisia : the recovery period

Recovery time for arm lift Tunisia varies greatly from one patient to another.
The surgeon will prescribe you painkillers to alleviate the pain.
Bruising and swelling may appear which is normal, they will fade rapidly with time.

The estimated recovery time is from 2 to 3 weeks. Patients may have restrictions in movement for the same period (2 to 3 weeks) because it may cause or provoke open wounds. The patients should avoid alcohol and cigarettes, sports activities must also be stopped and resumed after about 3 months with the consent of your surgeon, it depends on your case.
Most patients, depending on their jobs, can return to work after 10 days.

The patient must follow all his/her surgeon’s recommendations for optimal results.

The results

Full results of arm lift Tunisia should be seen within 3 to 6 months after surgery. It is important to know that your body will change with age. The appearance of your arms will also change. Although the results of a brachioplasty are generally permanent, any significant weight gain or loss as well as the normal influences of aging can cause changes in your appearance.

Benefits of arm lift surgery

Arm lift Tunisia had several benefits :

To have a wider choice of clothing

Patient who previously felt uncomfortable wearing clothes that showed their arms report that they love being able to wear sleeveless and short-sleeved tops without shame and worrying about the appearance of their arms.

To regain self confidence

After undergoing arm lift surgery, patients experience a great improvement in their self confidence and self-esteem knowing that their arms look slimmer, more toned and attractive.

Long-lasting results

As long as the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle, the results of an arm lift procedure are generally permanent. The arms will continue to age naturally over time which is a normal phenomenon.

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